William Bak
2 min readAug 9, 2022

So this is a chapter of covidconomix. Am William Bak, the yougest Alpha in the groupe, no! In the world! But the is my only chapter that am going to write in covidconomix. Here let me tell you a little about me, am 12 years olds and that am a the co writer of the Dr.Bak! Also his my father, but I have made today 35 books and since am part of this book, this is my 36! So are you already intressted about my chapter? But anyways the book order me to write a chapter and to also write my hopes about the problems with the economi! So honestly am worried about the stores, companys and gas. The stores are missing aloth of workers, fast food and stores. Well companys are closing and am worried about are company Mdex since nobody needs or wants to go to the city, well we are in big sh!t! Gas, well gas is the least of my worries but my dad says that the prize are coming up quickly, he even told me that one time, before covid the gas cost only 39 cents! Thats not aloth at all! But my hopes are that we can find a way that cars can be electronique because gas are also pollute the planet and am worried that in 50 years or more we can miss food and that earth is going to die! Also I hope that companys can go back to normal where people would go to the city or company and would stop working from home! I also hope that we can find a way to motivate are self to work but not because of work but because it fun in a way?! Finaly, my hope is that the futur generation would never need to face the same problem as today. So this chapter, I went all out and is also part of one of my books too! Am 12 but dont undirestimate me. William Bak and see the next time.

William Bak

Young prodigy with multiple world record writing books with his dad. Now, he is hosting GAMEBAK reviewing games and writing review about his gaming experience.