William Bak
2 min readAug 6, 2022

Chapter 3, 2books in 10 days

So we did 25% of the way, A.K.A the Intro. Next up is when the hero start his journel to defeat the main vilain. So you I two option to start with: 1 you go with only one person a.k.a the main character or 2 you have 1 main character and somes sides characters or if you want? You can also have more than one main character. So when you main characters or character is going to start his journel, his is going to have somes problems in the way. What am saying is that your main character is a nobody, like in the lowers level, than is going to have to spread his name through out the word. So of couse his gonna make somes problems for the main vilain ex: freeing slave or a village for your main character to be know. Of course the main vilain is too lazy to move his ass, and send out the grunts. But when your hero or heros defeat the grunts easily, the main vilain wont have a choice to send tiny bosses. So this is when the real action starts, in the way of course if you only have one hero than his goinng to find new friends A.K.A SIDE CHARACTERS and they would get closer as friend and maybe and the end of the story lover. Or you choose to have many sides characters with your main characters, So of course they will get closer but also is going to have somes fights with his friends about losing lives of they friends. But they ignore it and just continue of course, and when the tiny bosses arrives, then of course somebody has to die has his friends. This goes with the firts option too, you have new allys and BAM, There died for your main character to save the word. But your main character is going to feel guilty and is going to be even worse then a nobody for a certain time. But your dead friend becomes a ghost and encourages the hero. Honestly, thats was just a example but there are many others ways for you to kick the ass of the hero to save the word like if there were born for that, wait there are born for that! Then the hero comeback stronger than before and defeat the mini boss easily and goes for the head. Than the main vilain regrets to be lazy and the battle of the legendz starts. A king againts a noboody, of course your hero will win with tears in his eyes because… because… I dont know but you can know why?! Now you think that is happily ever after… NO! there of course the celebration for the hero and so next chapter on this book is going to talk about how to end it properly, See in a few sec!

William Bak

Young prodigy with multiple world record writing books with his dad. Now, he is hosting GAMEBAK reviewing games and writing review about his gaming experience.